Sign Up
or sign up with email
The password must have a minimum of 8 characters of numbers and letters, contain at least 1 capital letter
Artist Name / Alias
Under which artist name/alias are you offering lessons?
What is your professional email address?
What is your phone number? (will NOT be used for marketing purposes)
Please give us insights on your experience, expertise etc. Are you already offering lessons? Online or in person? Can you give us links of your profile/work? Any milestones/achievements? It's important to give us as much info as possible in order to accurately evaluate your level of expertise. Info provided will help us approve or reject your request to become an instructor at Cake College.
Upload file
Supported file formats
Send us any files to support/prove your expertise and help us approve or reject your request to become an instructor at Cake College (allowed file extensions: .png,.jpg,.jpeg,.mp4,.pdf).
Drag file here or click the button.
.png, .jpg, .jpeg, .mp4, .pdf